Summary of Collection Development Subcommittee Meeting, November 14, 2011

Maine Shared Collections Strategy Collection Development Subcommittee Meeting
November 14, 2011
10-11:50, Colby College, Miller Library Conference Room

Attending: Christy Coombs, Brian Damien, Valerie Glenn, Clem Guthro, Tom Hayward, Toni Katz, Lanny Lumbert, Susan MacArthur, Judy Montgomery, Peggy O’Kane, Deb Rollins

1. Grant Overview/Activities to-date

Valerie gave an overview of the grant’s purpose and goals, along with specific activities being conducted to achieve those goals. Progress is being made on an OCLC reclamation (to ensure that more accurate library holdings are in WorldCat), which will aid the collection analysis (we are purchasing a group subscription to OCLC’s WorldCat Collection Analysis).

 2. Collection Analysis Criteria/Guidelines

The group had a general discussion about collection analysis activities. Questions/comments included:

    • Who will be conducting the analysis? Is this something that each institution will be doing? (Initial analysis will be conducted by Valerie; institution representatives may be asked to review certain reports and/or perform some more specific analyses).
    • HathiTrust, Google Books, Internet Archive were listed as possibilities re: availability of digital items. An overview of HathiTrust (and its purposes) was given; it was suggested that a presentation be given on the various global digital initiatives and their possible impact on the grant. Valerie will take this suggestion to the project team for additional discussion re: when, who, etc.
    • How accessible is acceptable? (both for e-content and print holdings; will need to consider delivery mechanisms, loan periods, etc.)
    • Where should we begin? (Hard to say without the data; may not be as much overlap as some are anticipating; may be easier to start with unique titles. )
    • How can we do this without institutions having to go title-by-title through thousands of items? (Still need to explore the full capabilities of the WCA product; can perform analyses by subject area, date of publication; may be able to start with more targeted analyses.)
    • As a limitation of the product, we will be unable to include circulation data in our initial analysis. What can we do without this information? When will this capability be accessible? (Capability is tentatively scheduled for mid-2012; if we can’t wait that long, there is funding available to have a report run by III.  Analyses that can be conducted without circulation data: identify areas of overlap and unique items; compare group holdings to those in HathiTrust, Internet Archive, etc.)
    • How can we compare holdings for print journals? (WCA will give us title information; from there we will need to gather data from local systems. Probably not a way to automate this.)

3. Retention Policy

Clem distributed an example of local holdings records to document retention decisions (see below). Issues that need to be discussed: where will we document the retention decisions (local catalogs? MaineCat? Is it possible to export from MaineCat and batch upload to WorldCat?); what will the impact be on local workloads?; what will the length of retention be?

Examples of Local Holdings records to document retention decisions:

 561 (Custodial History)

561 1 Colby College ‡MeWC
561 1 Bangor Public ‡MeBa

582 Location

582   ‡Last Copy Center


Retention 583:

583 1# ‡3 v.1-v.50 (1951-2005) ‡a committed to retain ‡c 20110101 ‡d December 31, 2035 ‡f WEST ‡f WEST Gold ‡j AZFSP ‡2 pda ‡5 AzTeS

Completeness 583:

583 1# ‡3 v.1-v.50 (1951-2005) ‡a completeness reviewed ‡c 20110101 ‡f WEST ‡f WEST Gold ‡j AZFSP ‡i issue-level validation ‡l missing volumes ‡l reprints ‡z missing v.6-v.7 (1959-1960), v.17 (1970) ‡z reprints v.3-v.5 (1951-1958) ‡2 pda ‡5 AzTeS

Condition 583:

583 1# ‡3 v.1-v.50 (1951-2005) ‡a condition reviewed ‡c 20110101 ‡f WEST ‡f WEST Gold ‡i issue-level validation ‡j AZFSP ‡l tight bindings ‡z tight bindings v.30-v.35 (1973-1978) ‡2 pda ‡5 AzTeS

856 (link to documentation about the Shared Print Collection)

 4. Future meetings

The next meeting will be held in January; Valerie will send a Doodle poll to check everyone’s availability. Items on the agenda may include: overview of WCA and actual collection data; retention decisions that will need to be made.