System Circulation Heads Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 3, 2005


Meet me call


Present: Laura Gallucci (SYS), Jerry Lund (ORO), Janet Brackett (FAR), Janet Babb (OCLS), Dale Kuzcinski (L/A), Nancy Fletcher (PI), Ed Moore (USM/GOR), Stephanie Bresett (FK), Leslie Kelly (FK), Stephanie Ralph (LEG), Louise Hinkley (MSL), Judith Clarke (UMA), Sherry McCall (LAW), Greg Stowe (LAW).


Absent:  Barbara Higgins (BPL), representative from Machias.


Agenda Items:


            I.  Call to order and approval of minutes

                        Meeting called to order

                        Janet Babb volunteered to be secretary

                        Approval of November minutes

                                    No corrections

                                    Nancy Fletcher asked for clarification of item V, Mailing Labels                                                  Simple mailing labels are OK for campus deliveries; complete                                              addresses are required for UC Centers and ITV Sites.  Stephanie                                             Ralph will send Laura the URL for printing mailing labels for                                              delivery service participants.  Minutes approved.


            II.   III.  Borrowing libraries and overdues (Clarify fines and replacement fees)                                         and On-Site Loan policy clarification (Laura, SYS)

                                    Summary of comments and issues:

·        Clarify On Site Loan

·        Courtesy cards not honored at all campus libraries

·        Farmington honors faculty, staff, and student cards, no courtesy cards

·        Courtesy and alumni cards vary among libraries

·        Courtesy and alumni card holders must pick up requestor items only at home library.  No delivery to UC centers or ITV sites


                                    Laura will append IV On Site Loans to state that privileges vary by                                library and p type.  She will also change the comma between BPL                                       and MSL to a period.


IV.              Multi-User cards (Nancy, PI)

                        Appendix A addresses this issue



V.                InfoNet policy decision meeting update (Laura, SYS)

                        Nothing has changed.  Karl and Laura think policies are as good as                         possible right now.  Software limits policy flexibility.  Laura                           offered these “rays of hope”

·        Karl Beiser is head of this year’s Innreach enhancement committee.

·        MSL has acquired Patron Agency Software and hopes to implement changes by June that will enable each InfoNet library to be ID’d individually.

Concerning replacement fees, Louise relayed that although                                 libraries would like the price in the item record to appear on the                       notice, $75.00 is still in the system.  Laura explained that the                       system only accepts the one default, hence the $75.00 fee.  Janet                            (Far) indicated that in her experience it has been possible to                            negotiate fees with lending libraries.  Stephanie (LEG) suggested                     that we make sure to inform patrons of the fee before they request                         through InfoNet. 


VI.              Patron address problems, i.e. inaccurate addresses, missing addresses                      (Stephanie, FK)

                        Leslie (FK) said there is no solution at this point for addresses for                            students with dorm addresses.  Laura explained that the way                                     information is collected from ISIS is done the same way for all                                 campuses.  Jerry (ORO) pointed out that in Orono notices are sent                                     via email.  Nancy (PI) suggested that we send notices with dorm                            addresses to the home campus through the delivery service for                                distribution.


VII.           Courtesy Notices update (Laura, SYS)

                        Online tutorial for notices is more complex than anticipated.  We                               can look forward to the idea that we may be able to schedule                                  notices to auto-run (for all notice types).  Scheduler is only in                         Millennium and requires an adjustment of loan rules (which loan                              rules do you want to send notices for).   Janet (FAR) wanted                                     clarification of courtesy notice.  A notice generated before the item                         is due reminding patron of the due date. Statement of charges                                     header used address of the library with the first item.  Laura may                              have solution; there is an option to send statement to home             library.                          Sounds promising.


VIII.         Issue with Requestor (Laura, SYS)

                        Innovative cannot duplicate the problem of the patron (or staff)                             requesting item from one campus and the item is actually requested                    from a different library.  If you see this problem in the future,                           please send details to Laura.              Leslie (FK) reported a problem of                             student getting message that request             was successful, but item did                                     not appear on record.  Wouldn’t place hold with student card.


Tabled Items:


Unfinished business

·        Policy manual update (update Multi User card section) (Laura, SYS)

·        Updating authentication database (Janet, FAR)

·        Renewing Requestor items that are overdue or billed


Meeting adjourned.