URSUS Cataloging Standards Committee

September 17, 2010

1) Call meeting to order – 10:00 am

 2) Introductions – members present: Judie (BPL), Sheila (LAW), Sharon (ORO), Lanny (USM), Bruce (FAR), Elizabeth (USM), Lynn (Law School), Peggi (UMA), Angelynn (MAC), Kang (ORO), Nelson (SYS), Alisia (SYS), Ellen Conway (MINERVA). Via Polycom: Gretchen (PI), Katie (FK), Sarah Campbell (PPL).

 3) Appoint Secretary  - Peggi Loveless

 4) Approve minutes of May 2010 meeting – Approved with no corrections

 5) RDA and Innovative (Sharon) - Both Orono and Maine State Library have investigated the developments regarding RDA implementation. Sharon provided 2 handouts and suggested bookmarking both sites to keep up with changes and rollout timing. At this point, the timing suggests April or May of 2011 but that is subject to change. We discussed various educational opportunities, mostly online, and agreed that a face-to-face class once RDA is implemented might be helpful. In the meantime, please make public any informational/educational opportunities that come your way. It was also discussed that most likely, until a retrospective conversion can be done, there will be display problems in the Webpac.

6) Last Copy Center holdings creation (Sharon, Lanny, Venice) – Orono and USM have already designated materials for inclusion in the Last Copy Center. Orono is adding serials that are available electronically. USM is adding materials that no one else in the state owns. It was noted that items added to the LCC need a new location code and that it is difficult to generate a combined list of materials already added. The system office may be able to help generate an integrated list.

 7)  Z39.50 connection in Millennium to the British Library Data Set (Lynn) – British Library Data Set contains bib records not represented in other places. Alisia &/or Nelson will explore the possibility of adding this to the Z39.50 choices available in Millennium. This will work only if all locations can use the same account. They will also try to determine the extent of free vs. fee content.

 8)  Add OCLC Quick Start to URSUS webpac?  (Lynn) – Per Nelson, there are no current plans to add QuickStart to the System webpac. PPL has investigated but is still debating the best placement for it. Alisia pointed out that having it on the system page might cause patrons to bypass MaineCat and request items from out of state when they could more readily obtain them in state.

 9)  Any developments on revamping webpac?  (Lynn) – There was discussion of WebPac Pro and its limitations. The directors are discussing this at their meeting on the 24th and hopefully will progress to a committee. In the meantime, InfoNet staff will be loading a batch of records into the test server to investigate. Also there was discussion about how adding a discovery tool (i.e. Summon) might drive this and other changes.

 10) Revisit scoping and limiting?  (Lynn) – Our current number of scopes are maxed and to rework would be expensive as III would create new and not reuse, which would incur additional charges. System-wide resources seem to be a problem as the limiting issue is the mat type in the bib records. – this lead to a discussion of Serials Solutions records and their scopes. Alisia and Nelson presented changes that will be made to hopefully solve this problem. This would involve creating a new branch location in the bib record to differentiate Minerva system resources from UMaine system resources. [Refer to PowerPoint.]

 11)  Online cataloging policy manual still missing appendices?  (Lynn) -  Lynn had sent out the proposed changes [and on Monday, 9/20 sent more – check your emails!] and all agreed that these changes and additions should be made.

 12)  CatStandards minutes still not posted on Library Support page?  (Lynn) -  It was agreed that the secretary of the day would send the minutes through the ticketing system so as to catch the attention of staff so they could post them. Peggi offered to gather the missing minutes and send those along as well.

 13)  Law School needs another set of initials (Lynn) – All possible initial slots are in use. It was suggested that if we turn on the “View record history” feature in Millennium that this could take the place of expanding the number of initials needed. Alisia will investigate turning this feature on for URSUS.


 14)  InfoNet technical report (James) – The millennium upgrade was relatively easy. There are still some OPAC issues being worked on. The Directors are meeting on the 24th and should make progress toward a new discovery interface. There is progress being made towards purchasing a new server for MaineCat which will allow an upgrade and faster access.

15)  Serials Solutions records and loads/maintaining records  (Alisia) – Alisia outlined the maintenance needed to clean up the catalog after Serials Solutions loads. The problems are two-fold: bib records with 049 fields but no items and bib records with no 049 but items attached. Alisia will send out directions on how to approach the clean up on a monthly basis, the initial clean-up being the lengthiest.

16)  Set date for next meeting – The next meeting will be on Fri., Feb 4th with a snow date of Fri., Feb. 11th, 2011.

 17)  Adjourn meeting – The meeting was adjourned at 12:15.


Respectfully submitted,

Peggi Loveless

Secretary du Jour