Cataloging Standard Minutes

May 2, 2008


Present: Sheila Bearor, Chair (LEG), Gretchen Brissette (PI), Lanny Lumbert (USM), Peggi Loveless (AUG), Judie Leighton (BPL), Elizabeth Phipps (USM), Lynn Wilcox (LAW), Mary Saunders (MSL), Sharon Quinn Fitzgerald (ORO), Kang Cao (ORO), Jonathan Williams (SYS).


Absent: Leslie Kelly (FK), Marianne Thibodeau (MAC), Shelly Davis (FAR), Beth Addison (PPL) and Sarah Campbell (PPL).


  1. Sheila called the meeting to order.
  2. Orono was assigned to be the secretary of the day.
  3. Minutes from the February meeting were approved.




1.      Report of Mariner Subject Heading subcommittee

The subcommittee has been working on the issue. As most members still see some value of the list, the decision is to continue to keep the interface. Under subcommittee’s request, Tim Pellet did make some revisions, including narrowing down the general indexes, regrouping the subject headings, and assigning some new subject headings. No drastic changes have been made so far.


2.      Open Source Test System

Jonathan reported the test has been set up but the server went down last week. As a result, there is no chance to look at it yet. Belfast Hall is to undergo renovation this summer and the UMS people will be temporarily hosted with UNET at Orono. Once they return, Jonathan will resume the work. Right now VuFind is running on the test server as well as Evergreen and Koha but are not fully functional yet.



3.      Item Types for URSUS AV Materials Available in MaineCat

Jonathan has set up the item types for circulating AV materials. If any institution doesn’t want to loan their materials just leave the itype value as it is. Otherwise, run a review file to gather whatever wanted to be circulated for a rapid global update. Make sure to coordinate with Jonathan while doing this. The concern of establishing some communication mechanism between our group and Circulation group has been raised. Sharing each group’s minutes will be helpful.










1.      URL Validation on records in the Millenium Era of URSUS [Please refer to handouts

 provided by SQF of examples and pages from Millennium manual]

Sharon raised the issue of the URL validation. Based on her analysis, the deceased links fall into different categories. The question is: do we delete or suppress the URL? The consensus reached are as follows:

a.       For tangible print records, we should remove the link if a new search on the Internet can’t find a replacing URL;

b.      For electronic records (excluding serials solution and GPO records), Law will consult with their public services and GPO people for their input in a week. Orono will then run a review file, do the interactive URL checking and will suppress or delete the link pending consultation with government document staff; Both will report the results back to the committee.

c.       Each institution needs to work out a schedule as no two institutions can use the interactive URL checking function at the same time as one report will overlay another.

d.      Law prefers to do their URL checking on their own. In the past they had work study student take on the task and it worked well for them.

e.       LOC records – Sharon brought forward an example of the enhanced record pilot that LC spearheaded a couple years back.  Replacement URLs may be found with a search of the LC catalog.  Gretchen Brissette offered to assist with this cleanup which includes titles shared by multiple libraries.

f.        GPO titles with a PURL – records with one PURL may also have a growing number of broken 856 links that are protected by the load profile.  Jonathan put forward the possibility of a global update algorithm to change former 856 fields to a 949 (suppressed) linking field.  (eg. All 856 fields that do NOT begin with this PURL string would become a 949.) 


2.      Update on Changes to the OPAC

The results of the WebPac Pro upgrading are good. Feedback from public service staff is positive. Jonathan is to work on bringing the holding information to the brief citation display screen sometime this summer.


3.      MAJAX Demonstration

Developed by Virginia Tech, MAJAX is an open source program that runs on top of Millennium. It can retrieve MARC and up-to-the-minute circulation information and present it in a variety of formats. As this can be beneficial to subject specialists, faculty and public service staff, Jonathan is planning to install it shortly.








4.      IUG Conference

Jonathan reported he hasn’t seen the  full IUG voting results yet but the accessibility related itmes have been voted in.  He is pleased to see III is working diligently with testing partners for their feedback in developing new products such as Encore. Also of interest: user groups are developing programs to incorporate Google search and LibraryThing into the Web PAC and/or designing acquisition modules to work with vendors by themselves. Jonathan encouraged more people from this group to attend the annual IUG conference.


5.      Duplicate Reports

Tim Pellet is no long able to keep up with the duplicates and statistical reports. The Catalog Standards Committee will resume its responsibility for generating the duplicates report. Gretchen volunteered to take the first turn and the task will rotate to each campus on an annual basis.



6.      OCLC Number Search in OPAC

Lynn raised the issue that OCLC number search is available in MyMillennium but not in the public display. She asked if it’s possible to add it to the dropdown search list. Jonathan indicated the OCLC number search has already been available but from a specified URL. As this is not high priority on his agenda he would like to listen to public services people’s opinion first.




1.      Lynn raised question: when doing Save Marked Records ->Export Saved Records in WebPac Pro is Pro-Cite/End-Note software need to be installed on each individual workstation? Jonathan’s answer: Yes.


2.      Lynn and Jonathan gave a step-by-step demonstration on how Law Library processes OCLC Z39.50 cataloging with Millennium.


3.      Sharon raised the question of how to stop automatic label printing for journals in Millennium. Lynn and Gretchen indicated there is a fixed field option (Label Type: n-no label) in the checkin record to select to replace the default value of uncoded.


4.      Next Meeting:  September 26, 2008 at Bangor Public Library.