Cataloging Standard Minutes

February 8, 2008

Present: Sheila Bearor, Chair (LEG), Gretchen Brissette (PI), Leslie Kelly (FK), Lanny Lumbert (USM), Peggi Loveless (AUG), Shelly Davis (FAR), Judie Leighton (BPL), Elizabeth Phipps (USM), Lynn Wilcox (LAW), Mary Saunders (MSL), Kang Cao (ORO), Jonathan Williams (SYS).


Absent: Sharon Quinn Fitzgerald (ORO), Marianne Thibodeau (MAC), Beth Addison (PPL) and Sarah Campbell (PPL).


Guests: Deb Hensler and Ellen Conway (Maine Infonet)



  1. Sheila called the meeting to order..
  2. Since Law and Legislative was scheduled for secretary and Sheila is now chair, USM was next on the list for secretary.
  3. Minutes from the September 28, 2007 meeting were approved with minor corrections.




1.      BRIEF BIBS: We need to establish a policy for brief order and on-the fly  bibliographic records to avoid URSUS records overlaying fuller MaineCat records. Jonathan determined that using initial “z” in the bib record will keep these brief records from overlaying in  MaineCat. 

·        Libraries need to request from Jonathan such a change in their templates

·        Librares need to create review files to update existing brief bib records

·        Cataloging standards document needs to be updated to reflect this change.

o       Add Under Section B/2/b : “Use “z” in initials field for the cataloger’s initials.  This prevents these records being imported to MaineCat.”

2.      MILCAT INDEX: Milcat search key index has been re-ordered to mirror Milacq index.

3.      HTTP LINKS: Clickable http links in item records has been turned on.  LAW is trying it out, but needs more examples to determine what we want to do.   Display is not always great.

4.      PRINTING LABELS: Orono has detailed procedures for label printing through URSUS which they can share with Minerva.  Lynn commented that you need to get the printer configuration just right.

5.      WORLD CAT REGISTRY: WorldCat profile registry allows users to go in and edit their own OCLC profile to keep it up to date.  Everyone should look at – no system policy on this at this time.



 Jonathan announced that Tim will be out the next two months for parental leave suggested that   all communications be copied to Marilyn and to him.


1.      Cooperation with MINERVA and SOLAR libraries: Jonathan has attended several circulation and cataloging meetings and invited Ellen and Deb to join us at this meeting.  Issues include cooperation and perhaps some standardization of proceures.They are looking at how we do things (example: mat types).  Perhaps it would be helpful for someone from our Cataloging Standards to attend their cataloging standards.  Their next meeting is Tuesday, March 18 in Falmouth (on the Community Calendar).


2.      Updating subject headings in Mariner databases:  Questions about how subject headings get assigned to database lists in Mariner and the “completeness” of the dropdown list of subject heading options.  It is assumed that Tim Pellet enters the system-wide databases.  There are a large number of general indexes that are listed under specific subjects, making list not useful.  Lynn, Leslie, Shelly, and Lanny volunteered to look into this issue and report back at our next meeting.


3.      Implications of migrating from Innovative to an open source system:  After recent visits from Brandon Uhlman ( handout from Peggi Loveless) there is some interest in open source systems.  The advantage with open source is that users direct the development.  Jonathan  is setting up test systems of Evergreen and Koha on the test server and he will make it available for folks to look at.


4.      Item types for A/V items that can be borrowed across institutions: Currently URSUS AV materials are non-circulation to MaineCat. For those libraries who wish to loan av material to MaineCat libraries, The solution is separate item types for non-circulating:

a.       102 audiobooks

b.      103 DVDs

c.       104 VHS tapes

d.      CDs

            Jonathan will send a message when these are ready to use. Libraries that wish to circulate

     AV material will need to create review files and rapid update items to one of the four       

      requestable item types above.


5.      Multiple brief order bibs for the same title: we should share brief record, attaching to existing.  Exception: others should not attach to BPL brief order bib records.  While discussing order records, the question was raised about purging order records.  We can still send lists to Jonathan for purging.    At this point we cannot delete order records ourselves.  Jonathan can turn on single order deletion for individuals. Libraries should send Jonathan the names/initials of those who should have this permission


6.      Why there are item records for web based resources:

a.       For scoping

b.      For tracking campus-specific links

c.       Keeping campus-specific proxy information out of the general record

d.      For statistics

e.       For collection development purposes

7.      New Franco-American subject authority record

Handout from Sharon that Library of Congress has accepted and established a new subject authority record for “Franco-Americans”




1.      Ellen and Deb raised questions:

·        AV materials and performance rights?  FAR puts this information in item records.

·        Process for updating subject headings?   Discussion followed on first-time headings reports, sending out new records to MARCIVE, new headings service, III automatic authority processing

2.      Lynn raised the issue that in OCLC Law Institutional Records do not get the same OCLC number as the Master Record.  Concern for implications and Lynn will study the issue more.

3.      It was suggested that we use teleconference or polycom for our winter meeting.  Decision on this was deferred.


4. Next Meeting May 2, 2008.