Cataloging Standards Committee


Minutes of Meeting: Monday, May 23, 2005


Ballroom at University College at Bangor


Members in attendance: Shelly Davis, Judy Steere (FAR), Peggi Loveless (AUG/UCB), Judie Leighton (BPL), Lynn Wilcox (LAW), Elizabeth Phipps, Lanny Lumbert (USM), Leslies Kelly (FK), Mary Sunders (MSL), Marianne Thibodeau (MAC), Sheila Bearor (LEG), Gretchen Brissette (PI), Laura Gallucci (SYS), & Sharon Fitzgerald (ORO).


I.                    Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 10:11am by Leslie.

II.                  Choose recorder of the day -Peggi already volunteered as it was Farmington’s turn in the rotation and it was Shelly’s first meeting. (Welcome to Shelly who is replacing Judy Steere who is retiring. There was a short acknowledgement of Judy’s contributions to the committee with a card and plant presentation.)

III.               Accept April 12th minutes – the minutes of the April 12th telephone meeting were reviewed and accepted.

IV.              Demonstration of holdings conversion and bindery in Milserials, (Sharon, UM) – The planned demonstration was not presented due to issues that arose when preparing. We discussed some points that have arisen since our last discussion:

a)      There appear to be a number of “hybrid” records – ie: records containing both MARC and non-Marc holdings statements. This means there is no way to globally update holdings statements from Non-Marc to Marc.  That will need to be done manually, record by record.

b)      The display of holdings is inconsistent and there is no way to change the display. Some libraries have listed each form on a separate line with a separate holdings statement, some have entered all on same line (usually the libraries that interfile media types). Also, in some records the media qualifying word has been entered at the beginning on the holdings – with the change in System option this qualifier automatically “flips” to the end of the statement.

c)      853 was the TELNET supplied MARC tag for holdings – actually should be 863. Libraries can add a |z free form note eg: “Library keeps current year”

d)      Does the conversion to MARC need to be completed before the complete migration to Millennium Serials – the answer is “No.”

e)      Laura investigated “Millenniumized” serial records and reported that they are saved by the system in such a way as to prepare them for conversion to MARC holdings.

f) Holdings statements with an end date for current records will automatically update when check-in is performed in MilSer.

g)      Laura said there may be future management tools that rely on standardizing the display.


Sharon made two constructive suggestions: 1) The committee look at serials records in OHIOLink as they converted their holdings several years ago. This will give us an idea of what the options might be for display. 2) A sub-committee should be formed to investigate further the conversion process. Committee has yet to be formed.


It was voted on and passed to turn on the toggle option which presents as consistent a format as possible (System option 35), which Laura was able to do immediately. Mary asked about having some written documentation to serve as tool for serials staff.


V.                  Update on 001 problem – Laura has collected all Yankee bib records that have the same 001 and 010 fields in Review File #251, sort by branch, and asked that each library check their section of records. If all okay, the System office will rapid update these to include “YBP” in 001, after which libraries can resume that practice of  changing these 001’s to legitimate OCLC numbers. Laura needs information on any problems by Tues., May 31st.

Update completed, June 1.  LG


VI.              Sys option change:  Allow payments before what date to be deleted?  Current date is 07-98.  Suggested change to 12-01? It was agreed to change this option but the date was changed to July 2000. We will retain this setting for one year and revisit this question in 2006, with the possibility of changing the date each year to retain 5 years of payments.


VII.            Discussion of system option that affects searching on definite and indefinite articles.  Can we rely on indicators to do the work of the system option?

After discussion and trials, it was decided that we cannot turn this option off at this time as there appear to be filing issues. We should be able to rely on indicators but it appears as if this is not the case.


VIII.         Z39.50 and LC – examples and comments – ORO: “tried it on a batch of gifts but not really helping them as they could not find the particular editions they needed.” LAW: will continue to use RLIN but would like it as an alternative. FK: found it useful. MAC: using it out of GUICAT. FAR: :Did not like.” Laura expressed concern about the possibility of adding duplicates as there is no 001 field in these records when they come into the system. Also, we will add an exception to the Standards document to allow Z39.50 records to be overlayed as long as no data in lost.





IX.               Policy

a.      Web draft, cataloging standards doc – Laura demonstrated the look and reminded us it is a work in progress. We all agreed that it is already much more legible with this structure.

b.      Order records draft, review – Laura will flag the parts of the Standards document for the addition of Z39.50 information. Also, she will add in the section with the deletion of payments information. New section was voted and approved.

c.      Authority records draft, review – Important Note re: b.iii 3 for source of record until process through automated maintenance. We can add nw Authority records but Backstage Library Works needs to know what records we have added. Laura will investigate the notification process. Also, there are suppressed duplicate authority records which Laura will collect in a file for possible deletion. Lynn made a case for tracking local authority records, giving the example of “Lobstering” in a Maine Folklife record. It was voted on and approved to adopt this section with the provision to work on it in the future.


X.                  Dividing the Sound Recording Material type, update – completed


I.                      Proposal to not meet during June, July, August (Laura, SYS) – Laura proposed a summer hiatus for the committee. It was voted and approved to meet again in September. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:10.


Respectfully submitted,


Peggi Loveless, recorder for the day