Cataloging Standards Committee

Rolling Agenda

Minutes: Tuesday, April 12, 2005



I.                   Call to order – Meeting delayed by 30 minutes due to problems with telephone line.  Present:  Peggi Loveless (UMA), Rebecca Whitten(UMA), Judie Leighton(BPL), Judy Steere (FAR), Sheila Bearor(LEG), Lynn Wilcox(LAW), Stephen Salhany,(LAW), Elizabeth Phipps(USM), Marianne Thibodeau(UMM), Sharon Fitzgerald(UM), Laura Gallucci (SYS), Carolyn Hughes (USM) Lanny Lumber t(USM).       Absent: Mary Saunders (MSL),


II.                 Recorder of the day – It was Orono’s turn in the rotation thus Sharon to take minutes


III.               March 8th minutes - Correction: Law using Z39.50 at point of cataloging not ordering.  Minutes accepted.


IV.              Holdings display in the webopac, potential changes to system options


USM display proposal.  See forwarded document from Laura. [link?]. 

Orono supports separate line display rather than single line so seconds use of toggle to maintain status quo display.  Non- MARC formatted holdings should remain as is per Laura.

Sharon - supports migrating to MARC formatted holdings sooner rather than later given recent experience with appending bound volumes to holdings.  She anticipates ERM (Electronic Resource Management) solutions and other ILS extended features will assume the MARC standard.

Carolyn – indicated conversation with Sharon and sharing of the procedure document Orono currently using for binding procedure needs.  Sharon to send address to all members shortly. 

Lynn – Law school binds periodicals as well and is looking for guidance on what others are doing. 

Gretchen – if not binding why consider format?  Sharon indicated future ILS features will probably be dependent on the format.  Lynn concurred.

Laura – not a System requirement at this time, however agrees that MARC structured holdings is the way of the future.  Encourages consideration and experimentation and conversion for all UMS libraries.

Sharon – willing to give demo at May meeting but send procedure link ahead of time per Judy’s request.

Who supports USM proposal?  Orono and Law.  

Conditionally Machias, Fort Kent Farmington, Augusta, Presque Isle and the  Law Legislative support as long as not effecting existing non-MARC display.  Laura will confirm with III.   No opposition. 

Laura asked that we pose question to our respective Reference Staffs.  Lynn observed the toggle change will maintain the display status quo.  Sharon thought this point worth emphasizing with Reference as our existing procedures informed by public service staff for ease of display given holdings often spread among several locales or formats.

[Serials folks excused from meeting at this point.]


V.                 Update on 001 problem - Laura reported all SSJ records updated.  Yankee records pulled together with this problem into a review file.  22,324 records captured.  File split into two, breaking out Orono only and leaving location ‘multi’ in a second file.  6100 recs with branch = multi or 28%.  Will need to examine these manually and Laura has someone working on that, about 1/3 the way through.  Hopes to have ready before May meeting. When done, will be able to make a clean global update to correct our control number problem. YBP prefix in front of Orono records.  In the next couple weeks, please do not update records as encountered to allow manual check on snapshot to remain uninterrupted. 


VI.              Dividing the Sound Recording Material type, update*


All review files updated except the one with CDs in it.  This review file went to “left field”.  Did not collect non-music CDs as intended due to leader code error.

How big?  516 item records in review files #249, sorted by item location.  Laura asked each campus go through and remove their records that do NOT belong (those that are musical).  PI and Law done already.  Please do by April 19th.


VII.               Z39.50 and LC – comments on experimentation*


Lynn walked us through the process online (very helpful!).  Two issues raised:  Lack of control number and need for additional search options other than just author and title.  Laura can add additional search keys.  We can order search options as well.  Default template found that became available with Silver installation.  Laura to confirm not deployed by other load profiles.  A custom load profile could eliminate the 9xx fields that accompany remote LC records.

Agreed to try the following order for remote search keys: title, author, isbn, issn.  Some libraries felt keeping order consistent with local search.  ORO and Machias advocated putting ISBN higher on the list given LC a much larger resource to search. 

Lynn asked if imported LC record should then be added to RLIN?  Must continue to uphold our support of bib utility.  Gretchen referenced OCLC contract and that members had an obligation there.  Judy reported that DVDs not in LC catalog as well as certain book editions thus questioning value to Farmington.  Z30.50 search option may lend itself best to cataloging gift collections. 

Leslie shared Lynn’s excitement about the Z39.50 potential as Fort Kent not an OCLC member.  Process much simpler than for CatExpress.  Machias is thinking of dropping CatExpress but FK planning to keep for searching multimedia materials. 

Leslie proposed bringing examples to review at May meeting to share.  This will be an opportunity to review load profile considerations as well.  Laura re-emphasized the control number issue.  Lynn mentioned their current practice was adding in LC to 040 field.  Gretchen asked about using the 001 field.  During the meeting Laura and Gretchen discovered that Create Lists in Millennium has a feature to look for Z39.50 variable field for all records types.  Laura will explore further.

For now, please use 001 field formatted as follows: 


Z39.50/library call letters/sequential #.  



VIII.             Order records* (comments on draft welcome) – tabled per LG for this meeting.


IX.                Update on web draft to Cataloging standards document – please send comments to Laura.  See under section I.A.  an example of a hierarchical breakdown content display.  Please note printable version uses separate stylesheet so no dead space when printing.



X.                  Other


a.      Meeting date: Monday May 23rd in Auburn Hall (with compressed video).  UMS offices move downtown not imminent.  Gretchen asked if Laura will be moving down there. She has no idea at present. 

b.      PeopleSoft – Gretchen informed at training meeting that she would no longer receive invoices.  This would alter Laura’s procedures dramatically that she has been working on since September.  Laura is trying to dissuade the new direction.  She has a presentation for Friday at the Director’s meeting on PeopleSoft migration which she will post on our web site after meeting.  Content focus is on vendor information and subsequent invoicing processes.  Orono only campus confirmed to go live July 5.  PeopleSoft trainers not at all familiar with URSUS.

c.      ERM plans? – Laura to look at Innovative product at IUG.  Sharon indicated that Serials Solutions product has had been explored to some extent.  Nothing imminent.


Submitted by Sharon Quinn Fitzgerald