Summary of Project Team Meeting, September 11, 2012

Maine Shared Collections Strategy Project Team

September 11, 2012

Fogler Library Conference Room

2:30 – 4:00 pm


Expected attendees: Sara Amato (call in to 207-581-1658), Clem Guthro, James Jackson Sanborn, Barbara McDade, Matthew Revitt, Deb Rollins

  1. The team welcomed Matthew Revitt as our new Program Manager who started on September 10, 2012.
  2. Project Updates
    1. 583 testing

i.    Circulation of items – is it correct that these items will not circulate differently than other items? Yes.

ii.    Will the shelf be checked for materials’ existence/condition? Clem noted it’s a good idea, but libraries will not be expected to do it, may not be feasible given the number of items. Condition probably not reviewed for monographs; possibly for rarer serials’ completeness. Retention and condition are separate fields/lines; we will only display the retention line. But 583 Committee will include condition line in test records. (WEST includes its 4 condition level indicators, e.g. Bronze, in its retention line). James noted we need the retention statement at the union catalog level (MaineCat).

iii.    Public display of 583 data? Agreed that public display in all systems is desirable; data needs to be easily exportable among systems so it does not have to be entered more than once. Standard language phrase “committed to retain” is acceptable for our purposes. Discussed whether MSCS needs to be spelled out; agreed “Maine Shared Collections” phrase should show.

iv.    Communications with III
James and Sara have had recent discussions with III about issues in display of the 583. Also, corrected 001s for Colby, Bates and Bowdoin records have not been loaded in local catalogs due to problems in tests at Colby. Sara is following up with III.

v.    OCLC issues
Sara was scheduled to talk with Lizanne Payne and Constance Malpas regarding the need for an additional shared print symbol.

vi.    Collections committee possible question – do we want to do the work for verification of item on shelf/condition?

  1. Budget

i.    Revised budget not yet completed or submitted. Deb and James will meet soon to look at it. Hathi needs to be included on budget lines but neither Colby nor UMaine ready with Shibboleth. A number of lines of salary data need to be changed and added to the revised budget. We will follow up to get OCLC invoice for recent circulation data files. We need a large Dropbox account, Matthew will follow up on it, and this will be added to the budget.

  1. Directors Council and MOU

i.    Matthew will be sending out a Doodle poll for the next quarterly meeting.

ii.    MOU 1.6 Collection Builders: Collection Builders are those Collection Holders who agree to ingest and validate retained materials. Agreed this statement will remain unchanged. A procedures manual will have detail defining “ingestion”, “validation, “ etc.

iii.    MOU 1.7 Supporting Members: Supporting members will pay membership fees in exchange for ensured access to retained materials. Agreed this statement will remain unchanged. Agreed to add a statement to MOU “The Executive Committee is authorized to set membership fees.” [possibly as section 2.4-DR]. It was noted we need to make a good argument for other libraries to join as members.

iv.    MOU   2.1 Executive Committee: Line changed to: The program will be governed by an Executive Committee, consisting of a subgroup of the Maine InfoNet Board of Directors, drawn from those members of the Board whose institutions are part of or who represent the types of institutions that are part of the Cooperative.

v.    MOU 6.2 Duplicate materials: Members may retain or withdraw duplicate copies of titles retained by a Collection Holder. No library is required to discard any materials. Agreed this statement may remain unchanged; however, may need to revisit after Collections Committee makes decisions on minimum number of retained copies.

  1. Preparation for fall conferences
    1. Brief discussion on content for NELA and Charleston conferences.
    2. Upcoming meetings
      1. Sept. 20, Thursday, 9-10am, 583 Subcommittee Meeting, conference call
      2. Oct. 9, Tuesday, 2-4pm, Project Team meeting, Fogler Library
      3. Oct. 15, Monday, New England Library Assn Annual Conference, Sturbridge
      4. Nov. 7, Wednesday, Charleston Conference Shared Print Pre-Conference
      5. Nov. 13, Tuesday, 2-4pm, Project Team meeting, Fogler Library