Oct 19

Minerva Circulation Roundtable

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The next Circulation Roundtable meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 19th from 10am-12:30pm via Zoom. Here’s the link for that: 

Topic: Minerva Circulation Roundtable 10/19/22
Time: Oct 19, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

In advance of the meeting, we also have a quick survey. During our Circ Chat today, the concept of a Minerva-only reciprocal borrowing program came up since the statewide program is on indefinite hiatus and never had full buy-in from this system. This is an idea that had been tossed around in the past since the logistics are a little more manageable than the full statewide version and we’re just curious how people would feel about it. No real agenda here and certainly no timeframe or fully formed details but if everyone said “Yes, please!” we could explore the topic further. That survey can be found here: https://forms.gle/EYWYM5EZoRriCCQ27
Please let me know if you have any questions or topics for discussion and I’ll get them on the agenda.

James Rathbun
Library Director
Baxter Memorial Library
Town of Gorham
71 South Street
Gorham, ME 04038
Telephone (207) 222-1190
FAX (207) 839-7749